

A branch of electronics is microelectronics. Microelectronics, as the name implies, is the study and production (or microfabrication) of extremely small electronic designs and components. This typically, though not always, refers to micrometer-scale or smaller. Typically, semiconductor materials are used to construct these devices. There are microelectronic equivalents for many parts used in conventional electronic design. Microelectronic devices often contain transistors, capacitors, inductors, resistors, diodes, and (naturally) insulators and conductors. The exceptionally small size of the components, leads, and pads necessitates the employment of novel wiring techniques such wire bonding. This method is costly and necessitates specialist equipment.


Numerous billions of transistors, resistors, diodes, and capacitors make up digital integrated circuits (ICs).  Resistors and capacitors are frequently seen in analogue circuits as well. Although inductors have a lower reactance at low frequencies than capacitors, they are nonetheless used in some high frequency analogue circuits. They can be replaced with gyrators in many situations.

The size of microelectronic components has decreased as technology have advanced[citation needed]. The proportional importance of inherent circuit characteristics, such as interconnections, may increase at lower scales. The aim of the microelectronics design engineer is to find ways to account for or limit these parasitic effects while producing smaller, quicker, and less expensive devices.

Electronic Design Automation software plays a significant role in the design of microelectronics today.

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